Complete Concussions
Ascend Health is a proud clinical partner of Complete Concussions, an evidence-based concussion management company providing gold standard concussion training for healthcare providers. If you are dealing with a concussion, integrating physiotherapy and OT can be crucial for effective recovery.
What is a concussion?
A concussion is a form of mild traumatic brain injury (TBI) resulting from a sudden impact or jolt to the head or body that disrupts brain function through the stretching of brain neurons. Concussions can cause a range of physical, cognitive, and emotional symptoms that require proper management for effective recovery.

Possible Symptoms of a Concussion
• Headache
• Dizziness or balance problems
• Nausea or vomiting
• Sensitivity to light or noise
• Brain fog
• Fatigue -
• Confusion or disorientation
• Difficulty concentrating or remembering
• Slowed thinking or reaction times
• Word finding difficulties -
• Irritability or mood swings
• Feelings of sadness or depression
• Anxiety or nervousness
Causes of Concussions.
Impact or collisions during contact sports.
Accidents where the head strikes the ground or another surface.
Impact from car crashes, especially when the head and neck is jolted.
Blows to the head and neck from violence or accidents.

Concussion Treatment: Physiotherapy and OT
• Initial evaluation to assess physical symptoms, such as balance issues, dizziness, and neck pain.
• Development of a personalized treatment plan based on the individual's needs and symptoms.
• Exercises designed to improve balance, coordination, and reduce dizziness.
• Techniques may include gaze stabilization and vestibular rehabilitation exercises. -
• Exercises to improve muscle strength and mobility, particularly in the neck, thoracic spine and shoulders.
• Tailored exercises to help restore functional movement.
• Gradual introduction to aerobic exercises as tolerated, such as walking or stationary cycling, to promote overall cardiovascular health and recovery.
• Techniques to manage headaches and neck pain, including manual therapy, dry needling and education.
• Guidance on safe return-to-sport and safe return-to- learning and work or daily activities.